Five for Friday Linky

Hello everyone!  I feel like I just did last weeks linky, I can't believe that its already Friday again.  Spring has finally sprung where I'm located and boy does it feel good.  Now I need to dig everyones warm weather clothes out of storage and sort through closets. Yay.  I hope that you all had a great week, here are some random things about mine!


Saturday was the little ladies final dance show of the season.  While she loves dance class, and we love watching her (she's quite good!), by this time of the year we're a little ready for it to be done.  Aside from her leaving her dance shoes in dads car (and he was out of town 2hrs away...) things went off without a hitch and we ended the season on a great note!


I realized this week that I may have a problem with classroom decor.  I saw this cute water bottle at the dollar store the other day and knew I had to have it.  My first graders (especially the girls) got a huge kick of how it matches our classroom when they noticed it sitting on this ledge.  I think it means I may need a support group :)  I also just found out that there is a large possibility that we will be shifting rooms around next year and I'm a little nervous about wall color- hopefully it goes with teal!   Please don't mind my mid year organizational methods aka shoving everything into baskets.  We just got a new language arts curriculum, new science, new social studies, and I am piloting 3 different math curriculums... my room is overwhelmed by materials and I don't know what to do with all of it yet!


Speaking of "organization" this cabinet makes us laugh every time I have to open it.  We receive a healthy fruit and vegetable grant for the students' snacks.  It used to be some really tasty stuff, but since our cook has to spread funds a little thin we end up with a lot of carrots and ranch (which everyone knows 1st graders LOVE. . . .).  My students last year would've just drank ranch if I let them.  Clearly my students this year don't share the same love for it.  I keep teasing them that I'm going to give it out as an end of the year gift ;)  


This week we were wrapping up a unit on place value and our essential question for language arts was "how do things get built", so for one of our math tubs we did "building with place value".  The student had to choose a bag which had an assortment of base 10 blocks in it.  They then had to design a structure and record their "building materials" on the recording sheet (place value mat).  Not only did they love this, but it was one of those moments of zen where everything ties together!


 Well, last but not least, I came home yesterday evening to find out that something spectacular came in the mail!  My cap and gown for graduation finally arrived!  You can tell by my daughters face that it was an exciting moment in our house ;)  Exactly 3 more weeks until graduation Hooray!!

Well, I am definitely ready for the weekend.  Going to start the 21 Day Fix this weekend to try and jumpstart my lackluster approach to fitness (it is not usually so lax, but since grad school started I just haven't been able to commit).  My goal is to put forth a really good effort this summer and get out of the rut I have been in all year.  I hope you all enjoy the week ahead!


  1. You're preaching to the choir on the basket shoving! I have a FABULOUS aide who helps me to remember which basket is which. I have GRAND plans for storage for NEXT school year! ;)
    Very Perry Classroom

  2. I personally adhere to the "shove it in a basket" organizational style too! Congratulations on your graduation.

  3. Thank you for sharing. Your crazy photos of your cabinets made me feel so much better about my own classroom. I usually purge basket by basket after school is out. My goal is to get rid of the binders and scan everything in. My aid started this week. 1 binder down...40 more to go.
    Kovescence of the Mind
