Five for Friday

It would appear that all the cool kids participate in the weekly 5 for Friday linky party, so I am clearly obligated to join!  Since I'm trying to take my blogging more seriously I thought I'd try it out for the first time :)  Here goes nothing...


It's that time of year again.... conferences and end of the trimester!  We had a busy week wrapping up assessments as well as our second round of conferences.  All went very well, and I was one proud and exhausted  happy teacher!  Just look at all those greens and blues (can you tell I am a visual freak #ilovecolorcoding)- those of you in RTI land know what that means :)


 I AM ON SPRING BREAK!! :) :) My spring break starts today, February 27th, and I do not go back to work until March 9th.  Better yet, because I teach in a different school district than my kids- they still have school! Which means a totally quiet house to myself.  Oh my heart be still.  What will I being doing with all this "me" time you ask?  Homework.  Lots and lots of homework.  I am just a few weeks away from completing my M.Ed degree, and that means it is crunch time for my thesis project.  I am hoping to get a large majority of it done this week!


 Our house has been on the market for a few months now, and after a quiet holiday season we are back in full showing mode.  We had two showings this week, and just scheduled 3 more in the next few days (one is this evening... so I'd better get to picking up soon!).  We're hoping somebody puts in an offer soon- but we have not found our "dream home" yet... so also hoping one comes on the market for us quickly!


Well, this wouldn't be an official 5 for Friday this week if I didn't talk about the weather like the rest of you ;-P  It was a cold one!  I can't remember which day this was, but my car is showing the actual air temp... not windchill... after dropping my son off at daycare.  I'm thankful that we haven't seen too many of these days this winter.


It's tough to tell from this screen shot, but boy did I make out big yesterday during the TPT heroes sale!  Pretty sure, now that I am typing this and think about it... I don't even think I used the "heroes" code when I completed my purchase I was so dang excited #shoppingfail.  I got so many awesome paper and clipart collections for a ridiculous price.  I can't wait to start creating with them!

Well, thats about it for this week.  It is almost time to pick the kiddos up from school and enjoy some family quality time.  Then once they're all snuggled in bed it will be time for me to sit down with 
in preparation for tomorrows first book study check in over at Kicking it in Kindergarten.  Can't wait!

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