I am addicted to Periscope

Hello, my name is Lindsey, and I've been addicted to Periscope for almost one week.  

I'm sure by now you have at least heard of Periscope, even if you have yet to take the plunge.  If you're looking for more information check out this post.

I'm linking up this post with the fabulous Sheila Jane over at Sheila Jane Teaching.  This could be a blog post all its own, but can I just say "oh my word" this woman.  Sheila is like a little periscoping fairy of happiness sprinkling joyful teacher tip-filled sparkly heart dust all over Periscope-land!  I just love her!  I can't believe that I hadn't really heard of her before this revolution.. now one week later and I am a full blown she-sparkling sheilajaniac! If you're thinking that I've gone off the deep end please just check out one of her scopes and I promise it will make sense! ;) 

Now, I have been quite the Periscope stalker the past few days (when my wifi cooperates!!!), but I haven't really posted many scopes myself.  I've done two so far, just kinda introductory posts, but thats about it.  I do have plans for my periscope though!  Pinkadots Elementary and I are trying to get everyone to do scopes of their classrooms.  Theres nothing us teachers love more than scoping out each others rooms and snagging a few ideas, am I right?  We would love to see you do a scope of your space- if you do, please make sure you use the hashtag #BTSperiscopetours (back to school periscope tours) so we can find them all!

I also tossing around the idea of doing a book study on one of the topics near and dear to my heart- Culturally Responsive Teaching.  I will be releasing my "A Teachers Guide to Culturally Responsive Teaching" before August, and would like to make that a focus of some of my scopes... this is still in the planning stages though so stay tuned!
I hope that you will consider following me (@nagorski1) so that we can chat and hangout!  See you in Periscope land soon!

1 comment:

  1. Is there a support group? I'm addicted too! Seriously I love this new app and all the opportunities it will open up. I will definitely be scoping my space but probably after you are already back in school as I start back Sept 8! I am following you already on Periscope and will continue to tune into your scopes!

    Hanging Around In Primary
