First off let me say that I am SO glad to be feeling better! I don't think that I've ever been this sick in my adult life. While I am still not at 100%, each day gets significantly better. The picture above was a text that I sent to my awesome teaching partner on day 4 of the flu, letting her know that I would be out yet again ;) I can't say enough how integral it is to have at least one person that knows you and your classroom well enough to keep things afloat if you have to be out unexpectedly. It is much easier to rest and take care of yourself when you're not worrying about what is going on in your classroom.
On Saturday my oldest and I participated in the annual Habitat for Humanities Seeds of Kindness ladies luncheon. It is a wonderful fundraiser that raises a ton of money for our local Habitat homes. This was my 3rd or 4th year as a table hostess rather than just a guest. Each hostess comes up with a theme to decorate their table in, and I just love seeing what everyone comes up with year after year. This year we decided to go with an "Alice in Wonderland" feel, which was a hit! This is the second year that I have let my oldest come, and she just loves getting to act like a lady and bidding in the auctions. This year she even won one of the silent auction items she bid on! Her favorite part though is probably dressing up to match our table ;) Here she is as "Alice"
For those of you who don't know, I am also a Young Living essential oils addict. I love this stuff and have seen great success with their products. It has been awhile since I ordered anything new, so I was due for a few. I mainly use the oils that come in the Everyday Oils Collection, but I am continuously trying to branch out. I got Vetiver and Citrus Fresh for my oldest child who tends to be a little hyper and emotional, and R.C. to help with my upper respiratory infection. I am amazed by how the R.C. has helped with my bronchitis so far! Usually when something settles into my chest it stays there for several weeks. After two days of applying R.C. I hardly even have a cough anymore!
This. 73 Degrees. We had so much after school fun this week playing outside, riding bikes, and having dinner picnics on the deck (because mommy needs to wash the lawn furniture). Now today we are back to 30 degrees :(
After a brief discussion about why we were all home today (with it being Good Friday), she decided to grab one of her bibles and read about it. Heart melted. I love getting to experience the church through her eyes and the questions she asks. She is so inquisitive and smart!
I hope that you all are able to enjoy your weekend, whether you are celebrating Easter or not. I don't know about you, but for me when we go back on Monday starts the long, vacationless stretch before the end of the school year! If you're like me, you've already started mentally planning for your room next year haha. Enjoy your week!
Hi Lindsey. I love your blog name/button! That is what made me click over from the link-up. :-) Isn't it crazy how as adults a fever seems so much worse than when we were kids? Glad you are feeling better!
Teaching Little Miracles